Tue. Feb 18th, 2025





SIGNIS Asia Focus 2023 E-NewsletterSAA2023 Compiled Study Days Resources

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“Communicating the Gospel with the Heart in the Digital World” is the theme of the SIGNIS Asia Assembly 2023 (SAA2023). It is inspired by the 57th World Communications Day message of Pope Francis titled “Speaking with the heart: ‘The truth in love'” (paraphrasing the verses of Ephesians 4:15: “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ”).

In previous years, the Pope has encouraged us to reflect on the verbs “to go and see” and “to listen,” recognising that these are essential conditions for effective communication. This led to the theme of “Speaking with the heart.” Pope Francis writes, “It is the heart that urges us to go, to see, and to listen, and it is the heart that guides us towards an open and welcoming way of communicating.”

“Once we have practiced listening, which requires patience, waiting, and refraining from prejudicially asserting our own point of view, we can engage in the dynamics of dialogue and sharing. This is precisely what it means to communicate with the heart.”

SIGNIS Asia has a history of reflecting on the World Communications Day messages of the Holy Father at the Asian level, which then naturally extends to the national assemblies of member countries. The logo of SAA2023 strives to capture the theme with heart-shaped chat symbols, symbolising heartfelt communication.

The SIGNIS ASIA ASSEMBLY 2023 is held in Bangkok, Thailand from 23rd – 27th October 2023 with the theme: Communicating the Gospel with the Heart in the digital world (Eph 4: 15). The venue is the Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.

Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Centre, Bangkok, Thailand

23 October 2023  (arrival) – 27 October 2023 (departure)

Arrival: Monday 23 October
Departure: 27 October 2023

Study Days:  Tuesday 24 October to Thursday 26 October 2023
Business Day: Friday 27 October 202

Venue: Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Center, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Theme: “Communicating the Gospel with The heart in The Digital World”

Click for the: SAA2023 Programme Schedule
| General Info & Airport Pickup

For enquiries about registration, please contact signisasiaassembly@gmail.com

Previous SIGNIS ASIA Assemblies

Read the latest issue of SIGNIS ASIA FOCUS e-Newsletter