2022-2026 Board Members (Election held online on Zoom platform)
- Fr. Dr. Stanley Kozhichira (India), President
- Ms. Adeline James (Malaysia), Vice President
- Ms. Kagnha Keo (Cambodia), Secretary
- Mr. Romulus Lee (Korea), Treasurer
- Fr. Augustine Bulbul Rebeiro (Bangladesh), Member
- Mr. Alphonse Nguyen Phuoc Bao Tri (Vietnam), Member
Stand-in: not appointed yet
Former SAB Members:
[Fr. Joseph Anucha Chaiyadej (Thailand) stepped down due to work commitments in 2024]
[Fr. Frans de Sales, SCJ (Indonesia) passed away on 7th April 2024]
SIGNIS ASIA Desks 2022-2026
Cinema: Fr. Dr. Stanley Kozhichira
Television: Mr. Romulus Lee
Radio: Ms. Kagnha Keo
Media Education: Fr. Augustine Bulbul Rebeiro
Journalism: Ms. Adeline James
Digital Media: Mr. Alphonse Nguyen Phuoc Bao Tri
Screening Committee (closed in 2023):
- Fr. Augustine Bulbul Rebeiro (Bangladesh)
- Mr. Paul Namgoong Chan (Korea)
- Ms. Kagnha Keo (Cambodia), Secretary
2017-2022 Board Members (Election held in Canada)

1. Fr. Joseph Anucha Chaiyadej (Thailand), President
2. Dr. Magimai Pragasam (India), Vice President
3. Ms. Bernadetta Widiandajani (Indonesia), Secretary
4. Mr. Seungwal Francis Kim (Korea), Treasurer
5. Ms. Adeline James (Malaysia), Member
6. Ms. Catherine Vi Cao (Vietnam), Member* (Vi Cao left in 2018 to join the religious order)
7. Stand in: Mr. Paul Tsuneaki Machida (Japan) (Paul replaced Vi Cao)
8. New Stand in: Ms. Kagnha Keo (Cambodia) (Keo was elected as Stand-in)
Screening Committee
1. Fr. Lal Pushpadewa (Sri Lanka)
2. Mr. Francisco Lio (Macau) 2017-2020 (Lio left in 2020)
3. Dr. Anna Jihyun You (Korea) 2021-2022 (Anna was elected in)
SIGNIS ASIA Desks 2017-2022
Cinema: Mr. T. Mac Machida
Television: Mr. Francis Kim Seung-wal
Radio: Ms. Bernadetta Widiandajani
Media Education & CommLab Asia: Dr. Magimai Pragasam
Journalism: Ms. Adeline James
Digital Media: Fr. Joseph Anucha
2014-2017 Board Members (Election held in Rome)

1. Fr. Gabriel Htun Myint (Myanmar), President
2. Mr. Ly Sovanna (Cambodia), Vice President
3. Ms. Bernadetta Widiandajani (Indonesia), Secretary
4. Mr. Francis Kim Seung-Wal (Korea), Treasurer
5. Dr. Magimai Pragasam (India), Member
6. Mr. Paul Tsuneaki Machida (Japan), Member
Stand-in: Mr. Sunil Lucas (India)
Screening Committee
1. Mr. Francisco Lio (Macau)
2. Ms. Stella Chin (Malaysia) 2014-2016
2009-2014 Board Members (Election held in Thailand)

1. Mr. Lawrence John Sinniah (Malaysia), President
2. Fr. Yoseph Iswarahadi SJ (Indonesia), Vice President
3. Ms. Del Hernandez (Philippines), Secretary
4. Ms. Catherine Wong (Hong Kong), Treasurer
5. Fr. Gabriel Htun Myint (Myanmar), Member
6. Mr. Ly Sovanna (Cambodia), Member
7. Stand in: Fr. Dominic Emmanuel SVD (India)
Screening Committee
1. Fr. John Paul (India)
2. Fr. Cyril Gamini Fernando (Sri Lanka)
2005-2009 Board Members (Election held in Malaysia)
1. Lawrence John (Malaysia), President
2. Fr. Yoseph Iswarahadi SJ (Indonesia), Vice President
3. Mr. Mhike J. So (Taiwan), Secretary
4. Ms. Catherine Wong (Hong Kong), Treasurer
5. Fr. Cyril Gamini Fernando (Sri Lanka), Member
6. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel SVD (India), Member*
7. Stand in: Dr. Magimai Pragasam (India)
* Due to a tie after 3 voting sessions between Fr. Dominic and Ms. Del, The World President, Fr. Peter Malone suggested the 2 nominees serve 2 years each, the SA Assembly agreed, hence Fr. Dominic served the first 2 years (2005-2007), followed by Ms. Del serving in 2007-2009. (In future years, sharing the term with 2 board members was not practiced as it brought challenges.)
Screening committee:
1. Mr. E. Samson (Malaysia)
2. Mr. Bernard F. Canaberal (Philippines)
2001-2005 Board Members (Election held in Rome)
1. Ms. Siriwan Santisakultarm (Thailand), President
2. Dr. Magimai Pragasam (India), Vice President
3. Fr. Cyril Gamini Fernando (Sri Lanka), Secretary
4. Clotilde Lee (Korea), Treasurer
5. Mr. Bernard F Canaberal (Philippines), Member
6. Dr. Domininc Yung (Hong Kong), Member
7. Stand in: Not recorded
Screening Committee:
1. Mr. Bernard F Canaberal (Philippines)
2. Dr. Dominic Yung (Hong Kong)
Prepared and confirmed by:
Ms. Bernadetta Widiandajani, Fr. Yoseph Iswarahadi SJ, Fr. Gamini Fernando & Mr. Lawrence John
SIGNIS Asia Board 2022-2026 Board Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, April 2023 SIGNIS Asia Board 2017-2022 Board Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, June 2022 SIGNIS Asia Board 2017-2022 Board Meeting in Japan, March 2019 SIGNIS Asia Board 2017-2022 in Thailand during SAA2018 SIGNIS Asia Board 2014-2017 Board Meeting in Cambodia, June 2014 SIGNIS Asia Board 2014-2017 in Rome during SWC2014 ASC Meeting 31 July 2014 and visit to Puskat Yogyakarta, Indonesia ASC Meeting 4 June 2017, Macau ASC Meeting 8-11 August 2018, Thailand ASC Meeting 26 July – 2 August 2019, Sri Lanka ASC Meeting 25-27 Jan 2022 & on 9 Feb 2022, online
Bishop of Surabaya Msgr. Vincentius Sutikno Wisaksono (centre), Mr. Augustine Loorthusamy, President of Signis World (right of Bishop) with SIGNIS Asia Board members and Fr. Boedi Prasetijo, President of Signis Indonesia (left)